Dear Salmon Creek Families,

The New Year is the time of year where we make new resolutions. This is a chance to do better, to be better, to learn new things, reinforce the good habits or let go of bad ones. With this in mind we encourage you and your family to make a New Year’s Resolution to make school attendance a priority. Our motto is “All Day, Every Day”, which means to be at school each day and to be here on time. The bell to be in the class rings at 8:20 am, after 8:30 students are tardy.

School attendance is very important. When children miss more than 2 days in a month, or 18 days in a year, they are considered chronically absent. Missing more than 10% of the school year can make it harder to learn to read. It is extremely important for students to be at school so they do not fall behind their peers. We enjoy your children and want to see them each day at school. We believe the best gift we can give our students is a good education.

Winter time is a season of colds. Students should only stay home if they have a fever or are vomiting. We don’t always feel our best when we have colds, but we still need to come to school. Show your child that school is important by trying to avoid medical appointments or trips when school is in session.

This New Year, give your child the gift of good attendance and help us build a habit of regular attendance.

Happy New Year! Heath

“But my child is only 5 minutes late!”

  • TODAY: Your child misses 5 minutes of learning
  • THIS WEEK: They miss 25 minutes of learning
  • THIS HALF TERM: It has increased to 2 hours 40 minutes of learning
  • THIS YEAR: Now they have missed 16 hours or 3 days 1 hour of learning.
  • BY THE END OF YEAR 2: Rising to 9 days 3 hours of learning
  • IN THEIR SCHOOL LIFE: They have missed 38 days 2 hours, or 7 weeks 3 days 2 hours of learning

Your child’s learning is important. Get them to school on time!