Hello Salmon Creek families,
Report cards are coming! Look for your child’s report card to come home on Friday December 11th. One piece of information on the data report card I would like you to note is your child’s attendance. To hit the 90% goal for student attendance a student not miss more than 1.8 days of school each month. That average is less than 2 days absent for each calendar month or about 6 days total for the fall grading period. This information is on the front of the report card. We are about to begin the holiday season. I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season, how ever you and your family observes it. I hope that everyone has the chance to spend time with family and friend. This is a great time of the year to reflect on the many blessings we have in our lives. As a staff we are truly thankful for so many things. Thank you for all you do to support the students and staff at Salmon Creek. Have a wonderful Winter Break!

Happy Holidays, Heath