• Please use our sidewalks and crosswalks when crossing
  • Cross the street at corners, use traffic signals and crosswalks
  • Look left, right, and left again when crossing
  • Always walk, never run, when crossing the street
  • Walk on sidewalks or paths
  • Walk facing traffic as far left as possible if there are no sidewalks
  • Never run out into the street or cross in between parked cars
  • Wear a properly fitting helmet every time you ride a bicycle
  • Wear light colored clothing or clothing with reflective features to help drivers see you

Drivers also need to do their part to keep kids safe while they walk and bike to school. Here are some simple reminders for drivers:

  • Slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods and school zones
  • Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs
  • Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and carefully
  • Watch for children on and near the road in the morning and after school hours
  • Put away that cell phone